Auto-Allocation Scheme

The Auto-Allocation Scheme is a scheme determined by the Minister for the allocation of a CTP Insurer for new motor vehicle CTP Insurance policies from 1 July 2019. When a motorist purchases a brand new vehicle, it is automatically allocated to one of the CTP Insurers for CTP cover at the lowest premium price available in the market at the time for the relevant premium class.

Insurer Allocation Scheme (Operational)

The Insurer Allocation Scheme (Operational) is a scheme determined by the Minister for the allocation of a CTP Insurer where a motorist has failed to select a CTP Insurer on their vehicle registration form. A key objective of the scheme is to minimise the risk of a motorist being left uninsured and unregistered on South Australian roads.

Approved classes of inducement

Section 129A(2) of the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 enables CTP Insurers to offer incentives to motorists if the incentives are of a type approved by the Minister. This document outlines the objectives and approach for the offer of incentives. It includes a table of approved inducement types and their description.